SMARTSOC – Entrepreneurial Case proposal Education of Future ICT Experts Based on SMART Society Needs 2019-1-SK01-KA203-060789



    The entrepreneurial case is focused on the implementation of special sensory system which will be used as the communication mean for transferring the information about the climate/energy/mobility change in a defined application scenario.


    The system will inform the users about the actual state (e.g. energy consumption of building; air pollution caused by traffic in the streets, etc.) and provide them with the option to improve it (to reduce energy consumption by skipping the afternoon coffee...).


    This topic follows the national legal document “Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Slovak Republic (RIS3)” for the years 2014 - 2022, where following topics were declared as the perspective areas of specialisation in Slovak economy:

    • new technologies allowing the data transmission and processing,
    • smart technologies (buildings; transportation...),
    • energy efficiency and emissions reduction.

    Questions that need answers


    Technical aspect

    • Student teams will need to identify and provide more details about the sensors, which are going to be used in their application scenario (for example the current transformers for measuring the power consumption of particular sockets/rooms in building [1]; CO2, N2O and other sensors for measuring the air pollution [2]...),

    • Student teams will need to find and identify the way of how to transfer measured data to some collection point (local server; global cloud...) where other data- processing will be done [3],

    • Student teams will need to implement the user GUI, through which all system setting can be set [4],

    • Student teams will need to choose the propriate LED lights according to the requirements of the application scenario [5], [6], [7],

    • Students should come up with ability to adapt and cope with new technologies,

    • Students should have some technical and programming knowledge,

    • Students should have good presentation and analytical skills.


    1. https://www.pressac.com/energy-monitoring/
    2. https://www.sci-monitoring.com/air-pollution-sensors
    3. https://www.postscapes.com/internet-of-things-protocols/
    4. https://medium.com/@rchang/learning-how-to-build-a-web-application-c5499bd15c8f
    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1bq-eLZcD4
    6. https://www.kompulsa.com/led-power-consumption-how-much-energy-do-leds-consume/
    7. https://www.bulbs.com/learning/shapesandsizes.aspx
    Business aspect


    Student teams should brainstorm and create a successful business strategy for a start-up to solve the defined problem (energy efficiency, air pollution...) and fulfil the idea, that your student team as a business entity needs to offer something that creates new value for the customers. Student teams will first need to identify the application area for their product, which could be for example:

    • city streets,
    • building,
    • factory,
    • sport stadium,
    • etc.

    Then the application scenario should be specified, as for example:

    • measuring air pollution/traffic density/... in the city and informing the inhabitants,
    • measuring the power consumption in a building /building-occupancy/... and informing the residents/staff/...
    • measuring energy savings during the production process and using this information for advertisement that the factory is becoming eco-friendlier,
    • measuring and advertising the crowdedness of stadium,
    • etc.

    After such identification, potential customers can be specified, as for example:

    • city council,
    • building inhabitants/tenants,
    • factory owners/people leaving nearby
    • stadium/sports-club owners,
    • etc.

    After the clarification of the issues above, other important questions can be solved as mentioned in the “Business Model Canvas”.


    Social aspect



    Student teams should clarify the societal issues which are going to be targeted through their entrepreneurial case, so

    • to identify positive or negative impacts of the production and usage of product

    • to answer questions as :

      • How to spread information about product ́s advantages in among people?

      • How to get feedback about product’s impact?

      • How can you measure and describe social impacts of your solution?

      • How can you improve positive influence of your solution on society as a whole?

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    Michal Hodoň

    supervisor 1


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    Eva Malichova

    supervisor 2


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    Emese Tokarčíková

    supervisor 3


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    Lucie Lendelová

    supervisor 4


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    Michal Varmus

    supervisor 5
