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- COLLABORATIVE MOBILITYSMARTSOC – Entrepreneurial Case proposal Education of Future ICT Experts Based on SMART Society Needs 2019-1-SK01-KA203-060789
Mobility in modern cities is changing very rapidly due to the introduction of new transport services provided by private companies and/or public entities. Most of these services include electrical solutions such as bikes, scooters, motorcycles and cars that are rented for a short period throughout the day, either on a daily basis or just occasionally.
On the other hand, citizens are also buying electric vehicles (bikes, scooters, ...) for their own daily transfers, even if they are going to use them for a short period of time. Since electric vehicles are a kind of investment, owners might think about exploiting them in some way.
We propose an entrepreneurial case that takes this situation into account and tries to optimise the use of shared and proprietary electric vehicles in the city. Proprietary vehicles might be shared and made profitable through the existing companies or directly between particular citizens. The proposed solution will also engage the consumers into clean transport, by information of the amount of pollution and energy saving achieved over other traditional (fuel-driven) transport.Questions that need answers
Technical aspect
Student team will need to identify and provide more details about specific technologies which can be used within the entrepreneurial case, for example, sensors used in the city to collect: traffic information, air pollution.
Students team will need to identify current systems to inform the citizens about: traffic, air pollution, public transport, infrastructures, other mobility systems (bike, electric unipersonal vehicles, motorbike sharing, shared electric cars...)
Student team will need to describe a collaborative approach that will help to increase citizens’ mobility with low polluting impact and low energy impact.
Student will need to identify the technical requirements of the resulting system: the input and output information flows of their solution, the developing technologies to be used...
Student will need to identify the technological key performance indicators of the proposed solutions in the fields of mobility and energy.
Business aspectSince the proposed case study focus in a collaborative approach, economic profit is not the main objective. Nevertheless, the case should be treated as a business model considering the same issues but without strengthen in the financial revenue.
Student team will need to identify potential customer segments for smart products/services they will develop/offer as the result of “solving” the proposed entrepreneurial case.
Student team will need to identify the value of their proposition for the potential customers.
Student team will need to identify the channels that will be used to arrive to the potential costumers and, taking into account that the case study is based on a collaborative approach, it is very important to develop a research on how to create the required customer relationships.
Student team will need to identify the key resources, key activities and key partnerships required to set up the business model.
Finally, although financial revenue is not a primary objective, the student team should identify the cost structure and the way to finance it, so that possible sources or revenue streams coming must be investigated.
Social aspect
Student team will need to provide more details about how the entrepreneurial case is solving mobility problems, climate pollution and green management.
Student team will need to provide more details about how the case study will impact of quality of life of different sectors of society: youngest, elderly people, reduced mobility people, children, groups in risk of exclusion, etc.
Student team will need to provide details about how the proposed solution impacts on the related to Smart Specialization Strategy of the region, in particular in Smart Tourist strategy.
Student will need to identify the social key performance indicators of the proposed solutions in the fields of mobility and energy.
Gema Piñero Sipan
supervisor 1
Carmen Bachiller
supervisor 2